Série My inner bimbo (V.O.)


Genre : Romans Graphiques
Nombre de tome: 5
Albums dans la base: 6
Avancement : Fini

Synopsis : Publisher: There are two sides to every coin, every story, and every person. No matter how hard you try to hide that second face away, you can never get rid of it. That’s what one man is about to learn when his under-developed feminine side materializes into a very real bubble gum-chewing bimbo and turns his world upside down!


Intégrale - T1 - My inner Bimbo (TPB)

Romans Graphiques
/ Collectif
Edition Oni Press


My inner bimbo n°1

Romans Graphiques

Edition Oni Press

My inner bimbo n°2

Romans Graphiques

Edition Oni Press

My inner bimbo n°3

Romans Graphiques

Edition Oni Press

My inner bimbo n°4

Romans Graphiques

Edition Oni Press

My inner Bimbo n°5

Romans Graphiques

Edition Oni Press