©9th Cinebook/Van Hamme, Jean

T1 - The heir
Largo Winch (En anglais)

Aventure - /
Edition 9th Cinebook - 03/04/2008
EAN : 9781905460489 | ID-BDovore : 194544

Synopsis : Largo Winczlav, born in Yugoslavia, is an orphan. Thousands of miles away, one of the richest men in the world will change Largo's destiny. He has the same name, but slightly different: “Winch.” This man, Nerio Winch, wants to find an heir to his empire and adopts Largo, offering him the best education. When his adoptive father disappears under dramatic circumstances, Largo inherits the W Group, the biggest conglomerate of multinational enterprises ever possessed and managed by a single man. From now on, he will be worth $10 billion. Which is not to everybody's taste, as he is about to find out...

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