©IDW Publishing/Burnham, Erik
Collects: Ghostbusters (2011) #9-12

Intégrale - T3 - Haunted America (TPB)
Ghostbusters (2011)(V.O. anglais)

Comics - / -
Couleur :
Edition IDW Publishing - 21/11/2012
EAN : 9781613775127 | ID-BDovore : 195903

Synopsis : Collects
Ghostbusters (2011) #9-12

New York City doesn't have a monopoly on the supernatural, and it was only a matter of time before apparitions in other areas were enhanced by the expansion of psychokinetic energy! Haunted America finds the Ghostbusters venturing out far beyond the comfortable confines of the Empire State. This ghostly tour has stops in Detroit, New Orleans, Roswell, and Seattle.
source : editor

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