©Underwood Books Inc/Fenner, Arnie

T1 - Legacy : Selected Paintings and Drawings by Frank Frazetta
Legacy : Selected Paintings and Drawings by Frank Frazetta (2008)(V.O.Anglais)

Artbooks - /
Edition Underwood Books Inc - 28/04/2008
EAN : 9781599290188 | ID-BDovore : 290059

Synopsis : Frank Frazetta's paintings and illustrations have set the standard for fantasy artists for the past 50 years. This collection focuses on his influence in a variety of media and genres and on his place in 20th century art history. Coedited by Hugo Award-winning editor Arnie Fenner, it includes many of Frazetta's most memorable paintings as well as revised works. The art is accompanied by the artist's own observations and commentary by a number of his contemporaries.

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