
Intégrale - T18 - The Black Galaxy (TPB)
The Mighty Thor Epic Collection (2013)(V.O. anglais)

Comics - Collectif
Edition Marvel - 10/09/2019
EAN : 9781302918507 | ID-BDovore : 329058

Synopsis :


Thor (1966) #419-436 and Annual #15

If death be his destiny! When the High Evolutionary plans a new race of immortals in the Black Galaxy, Hercules and the Celestials play a part in a space-faring saga with major implications for Thor - and his new mortal host, Eric Masterson! Thor will experience flame, frost and fury courtesy of Surtur and Ymir, but will a new god take charge of Asgard? On Earth, Code Blue serves and protects New York from superhuman dangers like the Wrecking Crew - but things get out of hand when Thor and Excalibur take on the unstoppable Juggernaut! And when Loki crosses the line, Thor commits an unspeakable act - and the consequences leave Eric Masterson in charge! Can Eric fill the thunder god's shoes, or will his first outings as a solo hero be his last?

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