©Humanoids/DC Comics/Jodorowsky, Alexandro

T1 - Path of the Warrior
La caste des Méta-Barons (En anglais : The Metabarons)(2002)

Science-Fiction - /
Edition Humanoids/DC Comics - 01/03/2002
EAN : 9781930652477 | ID-BDovore : 359708

Synopsis : Learn the story of the ultimate bloodline of warriors as the history of the metabarons clan unfolds in this volume. Each successive generation must struggle to overcome the forces amassed against them in a world corrupted by greed, power and terror. "Blood and Steel depicts the story of the third and most ruthless of all the Metabarons, Steelhead, as he searches for his humanity. Gimenez's lavish artwork fills every page with a stunning combination of action and drama, telling one of the most unique stories in comics today.

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