Série What If? The Punisher (2018)(V.O. anglais)


Genre : Comics
Nombre de tome: 1
Albums dans la base: 1
Avancement : One Shot

Synopsis :


When Peter Parker's Uncle Ben is ruthlessly killed by a burglar Peter let escape, he vows to never let the same fate befall another innocent bystander. From then on, he stands as a figure of cold retribution. Criminals beware - the guilty caught in this spider's web will be PUNISHED.

But will Parker stand triumphant...or shattered by this twist of fate?

The friendly neighborhood takes a different turn in this WHAT IF? adventure, positing a very different sense of responsibility for the man who will be known as THE PUNISHER, as his battles against villains like the GREEN GOBLIN take a new path!

Séries liées : What If? With Great Power (2019)(V.O. anglais) 
