Série The chronicles of Conan (2003)(V.O. Anglais)


Genre : Héroic - Fantasy
Nombre de tome: 34
Albums dans la base: 35
Avancement : Fini


Intégrale - T20 - Night of the wolf and other stories

Héroic - Fantasy
/ Collectif
Edition DC Comics/Dark Horse Comics

Intégrale - T21 - Blood of the titan and other stories

Héroic - Fantasy
Edition DC Comics/Dark Horse Comics

Intégrale - T22 - Reavers in the borderland and other stories

Héroic - Fantasy
/ Collectif
Edition DC Comics/Dark Horse Comics

Intégrale - T23 - Well of souls and other stories

Héroic - Fantasy
Edition DC Comics/Dark Horse Comics

Intégrale - T24 - Blood dawn and other stories

Héroic - Fantasy
/ Collectif
Edition DC Comics/Dark Horse Comics

Intégrale - T25 - Exodus and other stories

Héroic - Fantasy
Edition DC Comics/Dark Horse Comics

Intégrale - T26 - Legion of the dead and other stories

Héroic - Fantasy
Edition DC Comics/Dark Horse Comics

Intégrale - T27 - Sands upon the earth and other stories

Héroic - Fantasy
Collectif /
Edition DC Comics/Dark Horse Comics

Intégrale - T28 - Blood and ice and other stories

Héroic - Fantasy
Edition DC Comics/Dark Horse Comics

Intégrale - T29 - The shape in the shadow and other stories

Héroic - Fantasy
Edition DC Comics/Dark Horse Comics

Intégrale - T30 - The death of Conan and other stories

Héroic - Fantasy
/ Collectif
Edition DC Comics/Dark Horse Comics

Intégrale - T31 - Empire of the undead and other stories

Héroic - Fantasy
Edition DC Comics/Dark Horse Comics

Intégrale - T32 - The second coming of Shuma-Gorath and other stories

Héroic - Fantasy
/ Collectif
Edition DC Comics/Dark Horse Comics

Intégrale - T33 - The mountain where Crom dwells and other stories

Héroic - Fantasy
/ Collectif
Edition DC Comics/Dark Horse Comics

Intégrale - T34 - Betrayal in Zamora and other stories

Héroic - Fantasy
Edition DC Comics/Dark Horse Comics