©Titan Books/Collectif

Intégrale - T4 - Wallace & Gromit : The Complete Newspaper Comic Strips Collection, Volume 4
Wallace & Gromit : The Complete Newspaper Comic Strips Collection (2013)(V.O. anglais)

Comics - Collectif/ -
Edition Titan Books - 09/09/2015
EAN : 9781782762058 | ID-BDovore : 217875

Synopsis : The continuing daily comic-strip adventures of Wallace, the world's most famous inventor, and Gromit his ever faithful and resourceful canine companion. Packed with jokes, gags and gadgets.
Appearing every day in The Sun, the UK's biggest selling national newspaper with a readership of over 2.5 million, the Wallace & Gromit comic strip, now in its 4th year, is one of the most read comic strips in the world. This volume collects the entire second year's worth of material and features scripts written and drawn by some of the best names working in British comics today.

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