©Marvel/Lee, Stan

Intégrale - T2 - When Titans Clash (TPB)
The Mighty Thor Epic Collection (2013)(V.O. anglais)

Comics - /
Couleur :
Edition Marvel - 22/11/2016
EAN : 9780785194460 | ID-BDovore : 276757

Synopsis :


Journey Into Mystery (1952) Annual 01
Journey Into Mystery (1952) #110-125
Not Brand Echh (1967) #3
Thor (1966) #126-130

Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, the creative team that sparked the Marvel revolution, set off on Asgardian adventures featuring the fight-to-end-all-fights between Thor and the Incredible Hulk; the return of the Grey Gargoyle; the debut of the Absorbing Man and the unstoppable Destroyer; Thor and Loki's exile to Skornheim; and the introduction of Hercules and the Greek gods! It all leads to an epic adventure that pits Thor against Hercules and concludes in the depths of Pluto's Underworld.

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