Série Black Knight (En anglais)


Genre : Mangas - Yaoi
Nombre de tome: 4
Albums dans la base: 4
Avancement : Fini

Synopsis : Zeke O'Brien may have his eyes on the title of Black Knight-- the highest honor that can be bestowed upon a knight in the kingdom of Aran-- but he is also after another prize: the young prince, Chris!

Black Knight is a sweeping romantic epic about the relashionship between a prince and his loyal guardsman as they embark on a lifelong relashionship fraught with danger, treachery, and--above all--love.


T1 - Black Knight, Tome 1

Mangas - Yaoi

Edition Blu

T2 - Black Knight, Tome 2

Mangas - Yaoi

Edition Blu

T3 - Black Knight, Tome 3

Mangas - Yaoi

Edition Blu

T4 - Black Knight, Tome 4

Mangas - Yaoi

Edition Blu

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